Re: Restore Deleted Attachments
Peter Graham, This is a slight bit different but may help guide you in the right direction. https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/70186/deleted-a-workspace-and-cannot-undelete-it1 · -
Re: IF Formula
Sidonia Posteuca, I misread your request, Jeff Reisman got it though.1 · -
Re: Formula that compares one cell to another
alwayslearning, Okay, gotcha. Try this version. Here is what mine is using. =IF([Test Column 1]1 = [Test Column 1]2, "Verified", "Error") Yours would maybe be ... =IF([Region Tota…1 · -
Re: RE: Changing 0 to no and 1 to yes from a grid to a form
Vinton Douglas, This one is a pretty easy formula but I added a bit extra just in case you come across a 'blank' cell or one the doesn't show a 0 or 1. =IF([Value (0 or 1)]@row = "", "…2 · -
Re: How to extract just the month name from a date
SIS, Here is the formula that I was able to come up with. You would need to have the formula below in the [Month] column. =IF(MONTH([Shipped Date]@row) = 1, "January", IF(MONTH([Shipped Dat…3 ·